WWE and AEW’s Wednesday Night War started in October 2019 and came to an end in April after NXT moved to Tuesday nights. Triple H was blamed for NXT losing to AEW in the ratings war.

Despite Vince McMahon’s big new vision for NXT going well underway, Triple H made it clear that the hiring process for NXT has not changed whatsoever.

While speaking to the media, Triple H talked about the ‘it’ factor when it comes to hiring WWE Superstars, both male and female. The Game also gave a concrete answer while focusing on the female aspect.

“People use that term it factor, x factor, charisma. It’s hard to put your finger on what it is. Sometimes I feel like, for women, there’s this emphasis on ‘oh man she looked like a million bucks when she walked in here.’ They’re dressed a certain way, make up is a certain way, hair’s a certain way, doing all those things. It’s important. At the end of the day though, it’s more personality to me. I don’t care, if somebody doesn’t have the money and they don’t wear make up? I mean present yourself well, but you don’t have to have high dollar hair extensions and a bunch of make up on and do all these other things in high dollar clothes to come in here and go ‘oh yeah, they’ve got it.’ To me it almost has nothing to do with it.


“It’s personality, it’s how they engage with you, it’s how they connect with you. Do they make you feel something when you them when they’re working? What’s that connection point that you have with these people? Do you feel something from them? Do they engage you in some manner? Some people you don’t see that when they’re here. Sometimes the red light goes on and they got it ‘boom.’ I’m sure you’ve heard people say ‘the camera loves them.’ Yeah they take great pictures. I’ve seen that a lot too. When you get to a tryout you’re like ‘this person looks great.’ Then they get there and you’re like ‘when do they get in?’ It’s not the same person. In person it doesn’t resonate. On camera it does. There’s factors that but it’s not an image thing. That’ll fade. I feel like that’s part of the process of the two day journey or the three day journey or the four day journey, depending on the tryout style that we’re doing.”

NXT will continue to undergo several changes and it might become what it was back in 2015, but Triple H and others are confident NXT will still retain its soul for the most part. We will have to want and see what will become of NXT.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

h/t to Wrestling Inc for the quotes.

Subhojeet Mukherjee

Subhojeet, a professional wrestling fan for over 20+ years, found his passion during the Monday Night Wars. With expertise honed over decades and a broad spectrum of interests including TV, movies, anime, novels, and music, he offers insightful analysis and coverage. Respected in the industry, Subhojeet keeps fans informed and engaged with his knowledge and perspective.

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