A number of WWE Superstars have declared their entry in the 2021 Royal Rumble match already. Others must qualify for their spots. WWE Official Adam Pearce recently spoke up to explain the rules that he did not write.

Pearce explained that a number of Superstars were given the go-ahead by management to declare their entries into the 2021 Royal Rumble match. They may also apparently decline that invitation. The ones who were not given this privilege must qualify for their spot.

It’s actually pretty simple: Those that have been granted the ability to simply declare entry into the Royal Rumble *by management* are free to do so. Those that haven’t must qualify. I don’t write the rules, I enforce them.

This might clear up some of the questions about how Superstars can simply announce their entry in the Royal Rumble mach. We’re not sure if this is a new rule, or if Pearce is finally explaining a longstanding question about the Royal Rumble’s booking.


It would be interesting to know who made the cut of Superstars who are allowed to put themselves into the Royal Rumble matches, but Pearce didn’t seem to have a list that he was willing to share.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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