Darby Allin is known for his film making and stylish promos. He has brought some stunts and other props into the mix as well. The TNT Champion was recently spotted with a flamethrower, and there are all sorts of possibilities there.

Allin posted a video of himself shooting a flamethrower high in the air. This might not be a normal activity for a lot of people, but for Allin it’s just another Sunday.

Typical Sunday afternoon.

A lot of people spent their Sunday afternoon watching sports or napping. Darby Allin had a much different activity in mind. It’s unclear if this will be featured in any of his AEW video promos, but it’s good to know that Darby Allin has access to a flamethrower if he needs one.

Tags: Darby Allin
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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