There are a lot of things going on in WWE as the company sets the stage for the Royal Rumbel and beyond. The WWE Universal Title match apparently changed a bit in the process.

It was previously planned for Daniel Bryan to get a Universal Title shot at TLC. That match was held back, and Kevin Owens was placed in Bryan’s spot. The thinking was that Daniel Bryan would then get that title shot at the Royal Rumble.

During WWE Friday Night SmackDown this week, Daniel Bryan had a big announcement to make. He’s never won a Royal Rumble match, and he wants to fix that. He announced his entry in the 2021 Royal Rumble match, marking the first to do so.

Unless WWE books Daniel Bryan in both the Royal Rumbel match and against Roman Reigns, they’ve changed their plans.


It’s unclear exactly which direction WWE will go in this situation, but Roman Reigns’ dance card is now apparently clear for the January 31st pay-per-view.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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