Everything was going just fine for The Rock’s current project for Netflix. Red Notice is now suspending their production due to the coronavirus.

Dwayne Johnson jumped on Instagram and released a video explaining why they are taking this precaution. The Rock wanted to make sure that the crew understood why they were doing this.

The Great One also laid everything out with a lengthy caption.

We are pressing pause on our @netflix production of RED NOTICE effective this Monday for the next two weeks.
It’s my privilege to speak eye to eye with our entire crew to help give a little clarity and guidance, as the most important thing right now is for us to get everyone home to their concerned families.
Gotta protect our babies, spouses, loved ones and elderly.
We’ll continue to monitor and assess this situation closely to make the best decisions for our families first and then our businesses.
We’re a resilient nation who ultimately, will always rise to the occasion to be accountable and work together to overcome whatever hardship lies in front of us.
Our country will do its job, as the rest of the world will do theirs.
Everyone please stay healthy, vigilant, safe and let’s protect one another.
We’re all in this – together.


The Rock’s Red Notice Netflix project is still going to happen. The coronavirus isn’t going to stop things, it is slowing down quite a few current projects.

Keep checking with Ringside News for constant updates about this on-going story. Download the new and improved Ringside News app to stay alert on the go.

Tags: The Rock
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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