Matt Hard might be leaving WWE after his contract expires on March 1st. He’s also leaving a lot of money the table if he decides to choose creativity over a WWE pay day.

Brad Shepard reports that Matt Hardy was offered a “substantial ” contract worth six-figures a year. He hasn’t re-signed with WWE at this point either.

I was told WWE offered Matt a substantial six-figure per year salary to stay for another few years. It’s my understanding that he has about a couple of weeks before his current deal expires. So far, he hasn’t re-signed.

The Good Brother signed $700,000 a year contracts. The Revival are currently holding off on signing new contracts with WWE worth even more than Gallows and Anderson’s deals.

Matt Hardy could be free to go anywhere he wants as soon as possible if he lets his WWE contract run out. That might be happening soon enough if he continues to resist signing a new deal.

Tags: Matt Hardy
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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