WWE Superstars are sometimes presented with the chance to make a big mark. It’s up to them to take it. Drake Maverick might not have been everyone pick to chase the WWE 24/7 Title, but he made the most of that opportunity.

The 6-time WWE 24/7 Champion recently sent out a message to wrap up this incredible year. He was able to get married in real life and use that wedding in a WWE storyline. For months fans were talking about the fact that he never consummated his marriage. None of that would have taken place if Drake Maverick hadn’t seized the day when he did.

I will forever remember 2019.

When you see ‘opportunity’ no matter how small, I promise you if you seize it, run with it, then put everything you have into it – wonderful things can happen.


I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Stay positive – See you in 2020

We will have to see what WWE has in store for Drake Maverick in 2020. They were trying him out as King Corbin’s manager at house shows. That story hasn’t made its way to the blue brand yet, but Maverick isn’t going to turn any chance to get on television down.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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