Santa Claus became the first resident of the North Pole to become WWE 24/7 Champion. Of course, he wasn’t the genuine article so WWE had an indie wrestler fill the role of Old Saint Nick.

Santa Claus’ reign as WWE 24/7 Champion was brief, but it will always be remembered. The man playing Santa Claus this in those segments throughout Raw was Bear Bronson.

Bear Bronson is an indie wrestler who trained at Create-A-Pro. That is the same school owned and operated by Curt Hawkins and Pat Buck. They have had several successful graduates from their school and now they have a new WWE 24/7 Champion to add to the list.

WWE might have received some flack for giving Santa Claus the WWE 24/7 Title, but it was all in good fun. Happy Holidays.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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