Vince McMahon lives his life in the pro wrestling bubble, but he really only watches the product from his own company.

While speaking with Chris Van Vliet, Justin Credible opened up about how he was hired by WWE. He said that Vince McMahon didn’t know his work, but that’s nothing new. After all, Vince McMahon doesn’t watch pro wrestling that’s not under his company’s banner.

“What hurt me is, one thing, I learned in ECW was how to get over with the fans. But also, I wore jean shorts in ECW. Well, Stone Cold — it was still Stone Cold’s era — he wears jean shorts. Okay. My finish, I did both the Tombstone and the Superkick. Well the Undertaker does the Tombstone, Shawn Michaels [does the Superkick]. So I can’t do that either. So whatever made Justin Credible Justin Credible, all of it became ‘You can’t do that.’ Because ECW allowed you to almost, you could parody the other companies. We were the anti-establishment, so a lot of it was an off-shot of what they were doing.”

“And if they didn’t want to play ball with the way my character was represented, and I know Vince McMahon never saw an ECW Justin Credible match. They hired me on, ‘Well, we know PJ. We hear he’s doing good work.’ And that’s the merit you get hired on. Sometimes young men and women think, ‘Well, Vince sees our stuff.’ He doesn’t watch wrestling. He watches his product, but he’s not [watching other shows]. There’s people who tell him, you know, ‘This kid’s good, he’s coming up,’ blah blah blah. So it’s silly to assume they know my character. And in all that was going on, I never had a chance to fully communicate to them my needs as a performer, and it fell by the wayside.”


Vince McMahon has more content than ever to watch at the moment. WWE is producing more shows than ever before. It stands to reason that Vince might not have time to see everything going on in the pro wrestling world, but that’s why he has employees at this point.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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