Matt Hardy isn’t getting the same treatment now that he did just a short time ago. There was a time when Woken Matt Hardy captured the WWE Unievrse’s interest, but that gimmick eventually faded.

There was one bright spot for Woken Matt Hardy. WWE allowed him the opportunity to produce an Ultimate Deletion match. That match saw trending on Twitter and main evented the show. Now Matt Hardy can look back and see that at least he was given that opportunity.

I will always be GRATEFUL to @WWE for the opportunity known as The #UltimateDELETION 

I’m also very proud #UltimateDELETION trended #1 worldwide on Twitter for nearly 4 hours straight & went on last on #RAW. It had people talking.


Matt Hardy might only have weeks left in his WWE contract. He could go out and seek his fortune elsewhere after that. We’ll just have to see what’s next for Matt Hardy, but he doesn’t sound bitter at all no matter what happens.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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