AEW sought out to be an alternative pro wrestling company. They have a lot of people to keep happy as they try to blend all of the styles that people like.

Cody Rhodes recently spoke to Sport 1 In Germany when the very serious topic of their wrestling style came up. They have a lot of fans who want to see different things.

All In was an eclectic show consisting of many different styles, but AEW Dynamite is on every week. Now they must carry on and try to find that perfect balance.

“They say in wrestling: What’s old is new. There is so much of the territory wrestling and even pre-Crockett, pre-television wrestling, that has so many great stories and element to bring to the squared circle and tell a story within the ropes. To be able to do that on worldwide television is huge,” Cody said during the interview.”


“But we also have to do our best not to be a parody of what’s old. Not to be nostalgia for nostalgia’s sake. You have to give people the buffet: some old, some new. We are melting those worlds. I like Memphis Wrestling, southern wrestling, I revel in that old school, but not lazy old school – the diligent, committed old school. If you mash that up with the new school and create something new, like Darby Allin does or MJF: People will let you know how much they love it.”

AEW Dynamite started with around 1.4 million viewers and that number is down to just over 600,000. There is still plenty of time to rebound or fall further. 2020 will be an important time for AEW. Let’s see if they will be able to continue blending old and new school wrestling.

Tags: Cody Rhodes
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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