WWE has a few members on their roster who deserve to be on television, but they’re hidden. Eric Young has been practically non-existent on WWE television since SaNITy’s split.

Today is Young’s birthday and the company sent him a greeting. They said: “Today is the day! Happy birthday Eric Young.” As Eric Young looks forward to watching another WWE pay-per-view tonight without him booked on it, he had a very interesting reply.

Well played! Third times a charm!

SaNITy debuted in NXT in October of 2016. Since he was so new to the WWE Universe the company must have not sent Young a birthday greeting that time.


Let’s see if WWE’s third birthday greeting for Eric Young will result in something more than just a mention on social media.

Young’s former SaNITy brother Killian Dain didn’t forget about his good friend.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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