Brian Pillman Jr is making a big name for himself on the indies. His hair and charisma are get a lot of people talking. He is also the son of the late-great Brian Pillman and takes after his father in a lot of ways.

Pillman Jr recently tweeted out that he was in a bar fight. He actually lost his watch in the process. Then Pillman quipped that it’s okay because since his ex-girlfriend bought him that watch it’s probably cheap.

Lost my watch in a bar fight tonight, but it’s chill cause my ex got it for me so fuck it was probably cheap anyways

To give this tweet ultimate heel status, MJF replied saying : “This is the only tweet you have made that I support.”


We’ll have to see if Brian Pillman Jr’s watch ever turns up. Either way, he doesn’t seem to miss it very much, or his ex-girlfriend for that matter.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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