Enzo Amore drew a lot of attention to himself at Survivor Series two years ago. He bought a ticket and showed up on the hard camera side. Then he made his move and led the crowd in one of his sing-along promos.

Amore spoke to Chris Van Vliet about this incident. He was pulled backstage and told that Vince McMahon wanted to speak with him. The police were on the way so NZO skipped out quickly, but he still trended on social media which was his intention.

“That Survivor Series deal though, if you wanna get down to that. I buy a ticket, I show up at the show, I get pulled to the back by Lisa. Now, Vince McMahon is brilliant. He sends a […] what happened was, Lisa, see Vince is smart he has a female security guard because what fan is gonna hit a woman? You know what I mean?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong outside of standing on the chair and I get it, I was dying laughing because I knew there was nothing they could do about it. I’m dying on the inside like ‘I just won! There’s nothing you can do! There’s nothing you can do about it and Monday night when you see those trends and the writing staff has to go through it and the producers, there I sit at number one.'”


“Right when I get to the back Lisa looks at me and I know Lisa — Lisa knows me and I just looked at her and I had the most real moment with a woman that I’ve had in a long time. I looked at Lisa and she’s holding my shirt and stretching and I’m like, ‘Lisa — You know I’m a good guy.’ She was like, ‘Eh’ and she let go of my shirt, bro.”

“The police were coming and I don’t know why, but Lisa told me that I needed to go see Vince. I was like, ‘Lisa, I don’t work here, no I don’t! I’m out!’ As the police came, I ran out a side door.”

Amore said that there was a fan standing by the exit and he was shocked to see him. After a quick selfie, Enzo Amore was on his way as he pulled off a huge stunt at Survivor Series that got himself trending worldwide.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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