Dio Maddin joined the Raw announce team after spending a bit of time cutting his commentary teeth on 205 Live. Then Brock Lesnar put him through a table and he hasn’t been seen since.

Samoa Joe filled in for Dio Maddin this week and a lot of fans really loved having Joe on commentary. That still didn’t answer the question about what is going on with Maddin.

PW Insider reports that Dio Maddin is still very much a part of WWE’s Raw announce team. He has just been off of television to sell that attack from Brock Lesnar.

For those who have asked, Dio Maddin is still, as of today, officially part of the Raw broadcast team.


He is currently off TV selling the Brock Lesnar attack.

Dio Maddin will likely be back soon enough. You have to give WWE credit for selling Lesnar’s attack for a few weeks to really put over his devastation on the way to Survivor Series.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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