Jim Cornette was sitting on the commentary booth during NWA Powerrr. This week was his final episode.

Cornette made a remark during this week’s show that was incredibly insensitive. We won’t repeat it, but you can click here to see the clip including his controversial commentary.

The National Wrestling Alliance issued an official response on their website concerning the matter. Jim Cornette is no longer with the organization effective immediately after he resigned from his position on commentary.

Effective immediately: Jim Cornette has resigned from the National Wrestling Alliance. As an announcer on the November 19th edition of NWA Power, Jim made remarks during a singles match between Nick Aldis and Trevor Murdoch that were both offensive and do not meet the high standards of decency and good faith of the National Wrestling Alliance.


To ensure that such an error can never happen again, we’ve established new procedures of review for all NWA programming going forward.

We sincerely regret our failure in this regard.

Jim Cornette still has two podcasts going so he is still going to be busy. He just won’t be working for the NWA anymore. This is an unfortunate situation, and NWA will now enact a new system of approving what makes it to air.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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