WWE fans noticed something very interesting this week. Because it seemed as if WWE went a little crazy with the two out of three fall stipulations.

Bryan Alvarez noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that Vince McMahon went into the creative meeting last week with a new idea up his sleeve. There will no longer be any wrestling going on during commercial breaks. This is why they had so many best of three falls matches this week on the shows.

“You know why they’re doing best of three falls? Apparently there was a meeting last week and Vince just told everybody there’s no more wrestling during commercial breaks.”

“So basically you can have a match that goes through a break but you can’t have wrestling that goes through a break so you have to have multi-fall matches.”


This explains why we had those random best of three falls matches on the show this week. The announce team even made mention to how WWE allowed their Superstars to take a break during the commercials as well.

It might be better for the Superstars if they get a little break and they don’t have to keep wrestling through the commercials, but it might be a bit confusing for the live audience as well because they are now going to be watching a match and have the action stop for commercials.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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