Pretty much everything you see on WWE television is scripted and they’re very possessive about what is said on their television product. The announcers are usually given lines through their headsets throughout the show so what you hear Corey Graves say is usually said to him by possibly Vince McMahon himself.
Being such a public company, they have to be very sensitive about what they say on television. But Vince McMahon also has his own idea about what people might take the wrong way as well. If anything, it’s all about branding for McMahon so he is very controlling of every aspect of it that he can.
Recently, our sources have told us that WWE is no longer allowed to use the following words on television: belt, feud, strap, fat, hospital, kill, hate, stupid, hell, ass, violence, fake, revenge, Number One Contender, in the back, National Television, DQ, spot and girls.
A couple of these were already known like how a championship is referred to as a “title” on television and not a strap or a belt because it increases how important it sounds. Also, “medical facility” has always been their go-to instead of “hospital” which we’ve heard slip by a couple of times in recent memory.
A couple of those are interesting and could present an issue down the line like banning the usage of the word DQ because it’s a legit way to end a match, so they’re likely going to start saying “disqualification” instead on a regular basis. Also, only time will tell how they’ll be able to keep up without saying “Number One Contender’s match” with this new list of banned verbiage.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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