Jim Ross recently suffered pretty bad fall and it looked more like he got mugged than he took a tumble. His face was torn up and he resembled the Batman villain Two Face in a lot of faces. But if you ask Sabu, apparently JR has always been two-faces.
In response to the photo that Jim Ross sent, former ECW and WWE Superstar Sabu responded saying: “He’s a puse ass f*g and all-around as hole so f*ck u Jim Ross — hope u die. U f*cking d*ckhead. C*ck eater .two face c*nt wwe f*ck boy.” That was exactly as Sabu wrote it and you can check on the photo below to see it because he has since deleted the reply.
But when WWE Superstar Natalya responded to JR’s tweet with well-wishes, he responded once again against Jim Ross and it seems that he’s keeping that tweet up for now. “F*ck him you should see what he say behind your back . he is two faced b*tch . don’t trust him Brent knows . he a 3 face assho.”
It looks like Sabu doesn’t care who he upsets at this point. After all, Jim Ross is loved by a lot of people and just about every single pro wrestling fan. Only time will tell if Sabu will eventually change his tune, but it seems like he’s pretty set in his ways and is a part of the small faction of people who despise Good ‘ole JR.

(Thanks to Cassidy Haynes of BodySlam.net for contributing)

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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