WWE Evolution included a woman’s battle royal match and it almost came down to Ember Moon winning the match to get a title shot down the line. Of course, Nia Jax ended up winning that match so we expect to see some kind of title shot for her after Survivor Series. But for those fans who were upset about WWE teasing Moon’s win at WWE Evolution — you must have patience.
Dave Scherer pointed out during PW Insider Elite audio that WWE’s plan for Ember might very well be to push her eventually but now obviously isn’t the right time and that could actually play to her advantage later on.

“The one thing [the fans] aren’t considering here is, okay you want to see her get a push — that’s great. She’s not going to get a push at the expense of Ronda Rousey. It’s not going to happen nor should it happen. So if you get what you want and she’s in this position [as #1 contender] it’s not going to be a positive position.”
“She’s going to be in there to be the contender of the month that jobs out to Ronda. And you don’t want that. It’s kind of like when that dope Enzo Amore got hurt — he hit his face on the rope like snapped his neck. They were going to lose that match so you’re actually better off to get hurt and not get the stink of being a loser on ya.”
“She’s better off now because she can say at the first battle royal at the first women’s only pay-per-view who eliminated more people than her — no one. She didn’t win but she eliminated more people than anyone and that they can go back to later on.”

At this point with her as a babyface, so doesn’t want to be fed to Ronda Rousey — because Ronda’s not losing her title anytime soon. Therefore it might not be that bad of a situation for Ember to get a huge babyface pop and lose the match to get heat on Jax because there just isn’t room for her at the top right now in the first place.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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