WWE has a lot of decisions to make in the next few days and by some fans’ accounts, they haven’t been doing the best job at deciding what to do in reality. After all, there are usually a lot of holes to their logic which is centered squarely around pro wrestling.
But the situation with Saudi Arabia extends outside of WWE’s usual realm and now it seems they have a decision to make that isn’t even in their hands at this point.
Brad Shepard reports that WWE sources have indicated to him that the company is trying to “read the situation and how holding, changing or canceling Crown Jewel would impact their stock and public image.” Therefore, it’s about more than just the current international political climate that they’re worried about.
Only time will tell if WWE will be able to fix this rift in their logic before it’s too late, but sometimes you just have to fix that kind of problem. In this instance, doing something about Crown Jewel’s location might just be the most logical choice no matter how it changes their bottom line.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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