Roman Reigns came out this week in street clothes and had a huge announcement to make. He said that his real name is Joe and he’s been living with leukemia for 11 years and now it’s back.
Due to the disease that he was diagnosed with so long ago, he is relinquishing his title. He said that the team that gave him a chance when no other football team would is WWE.
He said the WWE Universe have helped make his dreams come true. He said it didn’t matter if fans cheered or booed him — fans reacted and that’s the most important thing. He thanked fans and “Thank you Roman” chants echoed in Providence.
Roman had tears in his eyes as he did his best to keep them from flooding his face  But he said “in no means is this a retirement speech because when I’m done whopping leukemia’s ass” he’s coming back. Reigns said he will beat this and he will be back so we will see him very, very soon.
Before he left, Reigns sat the Universal Title that he chased for a year in the middle of the ring. The chants of “thank you Roman” were huge as Reigns stepped out of the ring and left. Before he exited, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose came out and all 3 of them hugged on the ramp in a moment where pro wrestling was the last thing that mattered while they did one more Shield first-bump…. for now.

Tags: Roman Reigns
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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