When Vince McMahon takes a great interest in a talent, he will do everything possible to make sure that the character gets the best reaction possible. McMahon was instrumental in a lot of heels’ success such as Jinder Mahal as WWE Champion and Elias as the heat-seeking missile he is today. Now it turns out that he’s really interested in Lio Rush as well.
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Lio Rush was wearing an earpiece during his segment on Raw which resulted in Bobby Lashley’s heel turn. Since Rush had a live mic during Lashley’s match against Kevin Owens, he could say whatever he wanted and those lines were apparently coming directly from Vince McMahon.
If you watch the segment back, you can obviously see that Lio Rush had an earpiece in and there was a cord hanging down out of his jacket. He was listening to McMahon and simply parroted off what he was given to say word-for-word. Also, when you watch the segment back it’s pretty obvious those jokes were straight out of Vince McMahon’s mind as well.
Hopefully, Lashley and Lio will keep getting good attention from McMahon because it’s when he starts to not pay attention to you when you have a problem.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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