Cody Rhodes is a very busy man and he has commitments all over the place. But one thing he does way more than some other stars at his level is meet fans at meet and greets. But unfortunately, it’s impossible to make everybody happy all of the time.
One fan apparently had an issue with the price of $20 to take a picture with Rhodes with his own camera. He also operates a blog and has written about this situation a couple of times.
Apparently, this fan has also tagged Rhodes in a few tweets as well and The American Nightmare obviously noticed. After all, he is a real person and operates his own Twitter. But he has little to do with how much people pay at meet and greets.
This blogger thought he had a huge story because 325 clicks on the link to read what he had to say about Cody Rhodes and the meet and greet situation too. But apparently, Rhodes has had enough of the situation. The blogger also pointed out that if so many people clicked on his blog then it must mean that he has a story.
The current NWA World Heavyweight Champion tweeted out: “You don’t need to tag me in stuff. I don’t block folks. I asked repeatedly to tell me what you were angry about. There’s no story” means there’s nothing out of the ordinary w/the meet/greet…you literally made a story about our correspondence versus the intended subject matter”
Rhodes, a guy who once said he judges other wrestlers by how they treat fans during meet and greets received a little pushback for his statements so he elaborated by saying: “I’m real vocal w/fans…I like to know what they like, what they don’t, what we can do better. So I was alarmed that an actual fan of mine might be upset…wasn’t the case. Sometimes folks just want attention, a digital autograph to show off, he got plenty ha.”
Rhodes also made a point to say in a previous tweet that $20 is actually half of what ROH charges at their meet and greets to meet him.
Obviously, Cody Rhodes isn’t sweating the situation too much. But this disgruntled fan likely won’t be the last person upset at an entire operation and blaming someone like Rhodes who just happens to be the focal point.

Tags: Cody Rhodes
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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