Owen Hart tragically passed away when his zip line broke as he was flying to the ring during Over The Edge. He was in his hooded Blue Blazer gimmick at the time, and sadly, he would never wrestle again as The Rocket.

Davey Boy Smith Jr is British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith’s son and he remembers his Uncle Owen. He also has his own opinion about why Owen has never been accepted into the WWE Hall Of Fame either as he spoke to X-Pac 12360 about how he wishes Owen would find his place in the WWE HOF eventually.

“I wish Owen could get inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen. The only way I could see it happening… is like Martha [Hart], her deal is that she doesn’t want WWE to make a profit off of it.”

“I can’t speak for Martha, but if WWE were to say, ‘okay we’re gonna induct Owen Hart into the Hall of Fame and earnings or whatever profits we make will be donated to the Owen Hart Foundation,’ I think she might be more willing to do something like that. But even then I don’t think she’s gonna let that happen. I understand where she’s coming from, she was Owen’s wife, that’s fair, I can’t really argue that. I do think it would be great for him to be inducted.”

Only time will tell if WWE will ever be allowed to use Owen Hart’s name on television or induct him into the WWE Hall Of Fame, but we can only hope Martha will turn around.

Thanks to Wrestling inc for the quotes in this article



H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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