Maryse gave birth to her daughter Monroe Sky Mizanin and The Miz was a proud poppa. But, the happy day of their daughter’s birth didn’t go according to plan at first.

On this week’s episode of Miz and Mrs, it was revealed that due to the surgery Maryse had to have on her back years ago, she wouldn’t be able to follow through with her birth plan. She obviously didn’t take this news very well and was kind of shaken up about it.

But thanks to her husband, she was able to pull through as he took a children’s CPR class on his own (Dolph Ziggler took the class too). One good thing about planning Maryse’s childbirth in advance meant The Miz didn’t have to worry about missing WrestleMania.

But Maryse was forced to alter her plan of how she wanted to bring her daughter into the world being made to have a C-Section instead of the other plans she had in mind.

Tags: Maryse
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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