Jeff Jarrett and Brian Christopher have a lot in common when it comes to who their fathers are. Both guys had to work in a business their dads were already famous in, and they also struggled with addiction.

Christopher is sadly no longer with us and Jeff Jarrett opened up about losing his friend.

Through an emotional Instagram message, Double J included a picture of himself with Christopher and a caption reading:

I woke up Sunday morning in London with many, many texts of the initial report on Brian. And, over the next few hours I had the time to reflect on all the years that I’ve known Brian; our fathers were business partners for many years and that’s how we initially met.

From our first times together in USWA there were ALWAYS two things you could count on him to do—one, he was going to make you laugh no matter what was going on, and two when he stepped in the ring he was going to let his incredible charisma shine thru…his infectious laugh(at times really annoying), his athletic ability, and his knack for making everyone in the match better! For about 3 years I wrestled with or against Brian more than anybody during that time; and, I became a better professional wrestler because of it.

Over the years the Brian I, and so many more, knew became covered up in “life”…

The disease of addiction is real, it’s very dark, and it’s fatal if left untreated. Brian, love ya and I will miss you my friend. I pray your soul is finally at peace!

This is a very sad situation and our thoughts are with everyone close to this situation.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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