Brian Lawler had a lot of pressure on him being Jerry The Ring Lawler’s son. Jerry never drank or did drugs, but his son couldn’t say the same. Brian Lawler’s past has been well documented and his party lifestyle was a part of his eventual downfall.

Dave Meltzer opened up on Wrestling Observer Radio about what is currently going on with Brian Lawler after he was found hanging in a jail cell. It hasn’t been officially announced that he passed away, but some have jumped the gun and reported it because it’s only a matter of time at this point.

“The Brian Lawler thing, as we are recording this I’ve talked to friends of his, they said he passed away. There’s also Matt Rivera who’s a friend of mine who also has been in contact with the hospital and Jerry Lawler has come back from Raleigh where he did Comic-Con this weekend and Matt Rivera said he’s on life support but they haven’t pulled the plug. Others have said they have in fact pulled the plug several hours ago and he did pass away.”

“I don’t know which but it’s an inevitability either way.”

Lawler was taken into custody since July 7th on $40,000 bond after a DUI. Meltzer noted he’s one of those old-school guys from the territory days that used a lot of drugs. He was pronounced brain dead.

Our thoughts are with those in this terrible situation.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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