WWE’s first all woman’s event will be called Evolution which is a name WWE has used for something before. It was also the name of a famous stable in the mid-2000’s.

The Barn Burner’s No Holds Barred podcast said WWE is planning on uniting the Four Horsewomen at the Evolution show. It was said the name Evolution wasn’t an accident. Evolution was also essentially the modern-day Four Horseman with Flair, Triple H, Orton, and Batista.

It was said WWE is gearing everything up for some sort of climatic ending. Whether this means an MMA Four Horsewomen vs WWE Horsewomen remains to be seen. But they do have all of the MMA’s Horsewomen under WWE contract right now.

Only time will tell. But WWE is planning something big for Evolution and this sounds like an incredibly plausible idea.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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