It looks like Stephanie McMahon has a groundbreaking announcement scheduled for Raw this week. But we have a pretty good idea what she’s going to say.

Rumors have been flying around about an all-women pay-per-view event, women’s tag team titles, a female IC Title, and maybe a combination of the 3. One thing we can probably expect from the first all-women WWE PPV is the finale of the Mae Young Classic.

This is something we speculated on when the announcement was made that Steph as an announcement this week. Wrestle Votes seems to confirm this idea though and they went on to give a few more details about what we should expect.

It is also said that the Women’s Tag Team Titles are true, but we don’t exactly know when they’ll pop up. Wrestle Votes said he’s heard a couple dates in September and a couple in October too. So we’ll just have to see what their plan is.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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