Daniel Bryan was taking a beating from the Bludgeon Brothers after Daniel’s match with Luke Harper was broken up by Erick Rowan.

Then all of a sudden, Kane emerged out of the fires and came out to deliver a chokeslam on both Harper and Rowan. It looks like Kane is pretty certain he’ll win the mayoral race in Knoxville because the crowd chanted “Team Hell No” and that’s the way it seemed.

Daniel and Kane looked at each other for a long time after the Devil’s Favorite Demon returned to save him. Then Kane extended his arms for a hug but Daniel Bryan didn’t want to do it at first. Once the Yes chants started, he ran into Kane’s arms and they hugged it out in the middle of the ring.

It looks like we might get a return of Team Hell No before Kane takes office in Knoxville if he does still win his mayoral race which is still happening. Paige came out afterward and booked Team No vs The Bludgeon Brothers for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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