Charly Caruso is a backstage presence in WWE but it looks like she’s gearing up for whatever life has for her next.

Caruso recently displayed her certificate for being a certified personal trainer. Caruso would be a great personal trainer because she could interview you while you work out.

Charly Caruso is also in great shape so she obviously knows how to work out. She updated fans via Instagram to let them know about her latest accomplishment.

I did it!! I’m a NASM certified personal trainer!! (don’t worry, not leaving WWE!) I’m so excited to take my love of fitness to the next level and hope I can help others to be as passionate as I am about living their best and healthiest lives! Still figuring out the details as far as training and such goes, but all I can say is lots of exciting things are in store!! So happy and so excited! Oh, and happy!

Charly was quick to say she’s not quitting WWE, but at least she’s got things together just in case the day comes when she’s no longer with WWE.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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