A number of people have expressed concern over the fact that Lana is in the Money In The Bank ladder match for a number of reasons. But it looks like Lana is taking her spot in this match seriously.

Lana posted a live video on the way to train for her Money In The Bank ladder match. Natalya was preparing for a BBQ so she couldn’t make the trip but she sent her parents in her place. Jim Neidhart even had some advice for Lana about a spot she could try during the match.

Lana said she was on her way to take bumps off of ladders and onto ladders. There will be 8, 10, and 12-foot ladders in the big match so apparently, she asked them to have all sizes available for her to practice with.

Only time will tell if Lana will surprise us all at Money In The Bank and pull off a couple great spots or even win the match. At least it looks like Lana is trying to prepare for whatever might come her way at Money In The Bank.



H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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