Maria Kanellis went on a long Facebook rant after she got offended when an individual on social media questioned her decision to get pregnant and mentioned that she won’t allow people to make her feel powerless. Here is what she wrote:

“How dare you get pregnant? You can’t workout. And other stupid things people have said to me.”
I think it’s funny that everyone is an expert on pregnancy, including men that can’t birth them and don’t have children of their own. Now, I am not an expert on pregnancy but I do have my OB, PCP, mom, my friends with kids, and my trainer on speed dial. Let’s just analysis the first statement/question: “How dare you get pregnant?” I’m not exactly sure what this means but I can only assume it’s because I work for WWE. I signed a contract with WWE in March and had no plans of getting pregnant until my contract was up. So, yes I have only been signed for a few months this time but, I worked for WWE before. For 5 and a half years. I’ve also been working in wrestling for 13 years. AND I’ve been working since I was 12. I was a bus girl for my first job. Thus, I have been working for 23 years. I CAN get pregnant. I can even stay home while pregnant and have a job because WWE thinks I am important and this baby is important enough to do so. After 23 years of work, do I deserve maternity leave? I think so and so does WWE. Women deserve maternity leave and men deserve paternity leave. It should be a right not a privilege. I will continue fulfilling the obligations of my WWE contract even after the baby arrives so, SMGMB. (Suck My Giant Momma Boobs) Hahaha……

You can’t workout….. Really? Has anyone seen a lioness while pregnant? What if she decides, oh I can’t run today, I’m pregnant? The lioness starves and so does her cubs. Or what happened in colonial times when the men went off to war? Did the farm get neglected? No, she plowed the field and took care of her 7 other children. Women are amazing. Women’s bodies are amazing. I will not let people on social media make me feel powerless. Should some women not workout? Of course. But, I don’t have any special circumstances. And if I did then, I would “settle down” as one hater put it. There are real problems with gaining too much weight while pregnant for instance childhood obesity, gestational diabetes, less accurate sonogram results, premature labor, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, excess bleeding, larger percentage of c-sections, and the list goes on. If you are really concerned about it read up here or here. And if you still have questions go here, here, or here. Links are below to research. I will not stop working out because some ill informed person tells me too. Some women don’t workout while pregnant and that’s their choice. It’s an individual choice a woman makes with her doctor.

On to more stupid things….. “You are annoying. No one wants to hear about your pregnancy.” Let me solve this, real quick. I am pregnant. For the foreseeable future, that is the next 19 weeks, I will talk about being pregnant. You will see pregnant belly photos, baby stuff, blogs about being pregnant, and when I am feeling ultra emotional, photos of Mike with my pregnant belly. Therefore, if you don’t like it, Stop Following Me. Done. Another of my favorite comments, “You look really pregnant.” What the hell does that mean? You are either pregnant or you are not. I am pregnant so of course I really look pregnant. Also, as a warning, in a few months, if you say that to me, I may eat you. I am hungry all the time. Because, I will be really pregnant. AND my all time favorite stupid comment, word for word “Kid won’t have room to move. Prob get caught up in tubing. U ever heard of relaxing” My response was, you don’t understand the female anatomy. I’ll just leave that there.
Mike and I will be revealing baby’s gender in January and as a Christmas Gift to our amazing fans we will be telling you baby’s initials on Christmas Day!!!

Love Hugs and Peace,
“The Crazy Pregnant Lady”


Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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