Impact Wrestling is at Universal Studios to tape upcoming episodes of Impact. Here is what was taped tonight for the March 9th show.

* Xplosion: ODB defeated Laurel Van Ness. Laurel was still wearing her wedding dress with champagne. ODB got the victory with the TKO.

* Jeremy Borash announces changes coming to the announce table.

* The first episode kicks off with Eddie and Davey brawling from the back and into the crowd. Security ends up separating the two.

* It’s announced that Jermey Borash is the new announcer for Impact. Borash tells Josh that new management wants someone out there that the fans actually like. The announce team will now consist of Jeremy Borash, Josh Mathews and The Pope.

* Cody Rhodes comes out carrying the GFW Next-Gen belt. Wants to fight Moose tonight.

* Rockstar Spud is working as a ring announcer.

* Reno Scum defeat DCC. DCC argue after the match.

* Braxton Sutter defeated Marsche Rockett, DJ Z, and Caleb Konley. Allie was with Sutter. Sutter pinned Rockett with a swinging neckbreaker. Laurel came out after the match onto the stage.

* Brandi Rhodes vs. KC Quinn never takes place. Cody offers KC $45 ($20 more than she would get paid) to leave. Cody cuts a promo on Moose and challenges him for the Grand Championship. Rosemary comes from the crowd and attacks KC Quinn for no reason.

Bruce Prichard comes out. Prichard announces that the name “TNA” is dead and the company will be known as “Impact Wrestling” moving forward. Bruce says it is important to know the face of the company, and brings out Bobby Lashley. Lashley says he has beat everyone and was the official choice of the President of the United States. Out comes Alberto Del Rio, followed by EC3. EC3 says Alberto needs to earn his shot and EC3 has carried the company for years on his perfectly symmetrical back. Lashley says EC3 lost to him already and won’t get a shot. Lashley and Alberto is announced for later tonight.

JB says there is a legend backstage who has never been in the Impact Zone before and will be coming out tonight.

Dutch Mantel comes out. Matel says he’s in love with pro wrestling and is here to make Impact great. Dutch talks about AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Sting, Kurt Angle, Bobby Roode, Christian, and Kevin Nash and how they used to be here but left. He blames it lack of leadership. Dutch wants to bring the fans back, he is here to give advice, he only answers to his boss, and his boss is the fans. This incarnation of Impact Wrestling is going to be given back to the fans. Dutch asks everyone to stand and say “We The People… will make Impact great!”

* Cody comes back out and wants to know where Moose is. Josh tries to too sweet Cody. Cody says no. Cody ends up sitting in the ring before leaving again.

* Garza Jr & Laredo Kid defeat Eli Drake & Tyrus.

* Sienna defeats Racheal Ellering.

* SoCalVal has been in the front row for the majority of the show.

* A fan in attendance keeps trying to start a DELETE chant, however no one is buying it.

* Rockstar Spud is out, Borash gave him cue cards, he’s announcing the April dates and promoting

* Its announced that the Slammiversary pay-per-view will take place on July 2nd, 2017.

Alberto El Patron defeats Bobby Lashley to become Impact Wrestling Champion. The finish of the match saw El Patron hit Lashley with the belt and two ref bumps. Hebner and Stiffler fight over who the champion is. Earl comes out out to settle this. Bruce Prichard and other Impact officials come out to try and figure this out. Patron ends up leaving with the belt.

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Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of RingsideNews. He has been writing about professional wrestling since 1996. He first got into website development at the time and has been focusing on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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