WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray didn’t hold back when sharing his thoughts on WWE’s Saturday Night’s Main Event from December 14, 2024.

During an appearance on Busted Open Radio, the wrestling legend compared the special to an “infomercial,” but clarified it wasn’t meant as a jab.

“I thought it was a giant infomercial,” Bully explained. “As I watched Saturday Night’s Main Event, I noticed a lot of different aspects of just what was going on in the ring with the wrestling … 54 percent of the show was packages, promos, ads, and all that stuff.”

While Bully Ray admitted the show leaned heavily on promos and video packages, he argued that WWE still managed to deliver something worthwhile for every type of fan. “They gave the fan just enough. They gave the live audience enough. They gave you at home enough if you were sitting home with your kids—it was a good, friendly show,” he continued.

However, the WWE legend also pointed out that the special seemed targeted toward new fans rather than diehards. “In my eyes, I felt it was like an infomercial … ‘Here’s who we are, this is what we do, this is the product that we offer, here’s our characters.’”

While some fans may have expected more in-ring action, Bully’s take makes one thing clear—WWE’s focus for this show was on introducing its product to a broader audience.

Do you agree with Bully Ray’s take on Saturday Night’s Main Event? Was it too much promo and not enough wrestling? Please share your thoughts and feedback in the comment section below.

Tags: Bully Ray
Felix Upton

Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. He began his career writing advertisements for local newspapers in New York before transitioning to publishing news for Ringside News. His expertise includes writing, editing, research, photo editing, and video editing. In his free time, he enjoys bungee jumping and learning extinct languages.

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