WWE fans are very passionate about pro wrestling. Sadly, some can take it too far. There have been many stories about stalkers and fans who take their fandom to another level, and now Jimmy Korderas is speaking out after fans targeted his family.

Recently, Jimmy Korderas spoke about how you cannot gimmick steel chair. This came after a controversy during AEW’s Blood & Guts when Jack Perry took an unprotected shot while he was handcuffed to the cage. Fans were not happy about that at all, and he did receive a lot of negative comments. It is unknown what the breaking point may be to get someone to stoop to the level of targeting his family.

Jimmy Korderas took to Twitter, where he unleashed a fiery tweet. He targeted those fans who are targeting his family, a move that is far over the line for him. He also called for them to take a trip to the trash.

“These jackoffs that think my family is fair game are the lowest form of dog shit. Should be scooped up and dumped in the trash.”


When one fan called Korderas out saying “you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube,” he responded to say, “With all respect, many fans think they know the business just because they read sheets or podcast. Difference between knowing and understanding. They know info but fully understanding comes with experience.”

Another fan tweeted about Korderas to say, “Here’s the classy reply from the clown. Need I say more?” That caused the former WWE referee to quote retweet while responding, “Here’s the classy reply from the clown. Need I say more?”

Korderas began working as a professional wrestling referee in 1985 at Maple Leaf Gardens. Initially, he was hired as a driver by his friend Elio Zarlenga. At the time, Zarlenga was second in command only to Jack Tunney and suggested making Korderas a referee. He was released in 2009, but Jimmy hasn’t left the pro wrestling world.

We can only hope that nobody targets Jimmy Korderas’ family again. That is taking it too far. If anything, it certainly gave him something to tweet about, and we can only hope that they listen.

What’s your take on pro wrestling fans taking things too far? What do you think your breaking point is in that regard? Let us know what you think in the comments section!

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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