WWE discovered that developmental talent has COVID-19. Now the entire roster and staff much get tested as well.

There are a few things that can be done to check for coronavirus. Most methods only check for symptoms. The swab test is the standard method of testing and PW Insider reports that is what WWE is doing.

Ringside News was able to verify though an independent source within the company that they are testing using the swab method. This involves a long stick that goes straight into your nostrils. It is not pleasant at all.

At this time, we are unaware if WWE is conducting any antibody testing for COVID-19. This would tell if someone had the virus and had already recovered. Studies are still being conducted to see if it is possible to contract COVID-19 twice, but so far it looks like a very rare situation.


Ringside News was first to exclusively report that WWE pushed their scheduled television tapings to Wednesday. Today is COVID-19 testing day throughout the company, but nobody is having a good time at all.

It is unknown if these recent developments will cause WWE to relax on their policy about fans not being allowed to wear masks. Kevin Dunn ordered WWE security over loud speaker to have fans remove masks during the last tapings.

It should also be noted that some WWE Superstars are quite bothered by the company’s no masks policy.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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