Becky Lynch and Natalya opened up Summerslam this year with a submissions match. It popped the crowd something fierce when Natalya nearly won the Raw Women’s Title, but in the end, The Man would win the match.

Brad Shepard reports that people were surprised backstage at the positive reaction that Becky Lynch garnered from the Toronto crowd. After all, she was facing a true Canadian like Natalya.

I’m told people in the gorilla position are surprised by the positive reaction to Becky Lynch. They thought she may be booed out of the building since Natalya is from Canada. #WWE #SummerSlam

Becky Lynch is incredibly popular, but WWE was obviously expecting her to get booed heavily. She might be Canada’s New Hero after all.

Tags: Becky Lynch
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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