Everyone has their own ritual when it comes to going to sleep and what they wear to bed. As it turns out Nikki Bella has a rather specific attire she prefers to sleep in, nothing.

During Total Bellas this week Brie Bella discussed the fact that even when she stayed in the same bed with her sister while they were on the road, Nikki insists on sleeping naked. Nikki said it makes her feel more comfortable although it can lead to awkward situations.

They joked that sleeping naked is how you get bed bug bites and Nikki revealed that this actually happened to her once. She said one morning she woke up with 3 bug bites on her bathing suit area that she didn’t have when she went to sleep that night.

So you can have your own way of doing things, but always be aware when you’re staying at a strange place because you never know when is the last time they washed the sheets.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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