It’s that time of week again, welcome to our coverage of Monday Night Raw for December 11 2017!

Tonight’s show is to be headlined by a monstrous showdown between Kane and Braun Strowman. These two behemoths will finally have a proper match, with the winner moving on to face Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble in January. This match should be fairly short but inevitably hectic and fun, even though a Strowman win seems inevitable.

The Bar and The Shield are set to collide many times in the following weeks, but tonight, each member of the two teams will face-off in singles competition. Tonight, Roman Reigns will face Cesaro, Dean Ambrose will tackle Samoa Joe, and Rollins will take-on Sheamus. Those are three huge matches, each of which will hopefully receive ample time to breathe and play out. This comes a week after The Shield failed to recapture the Tag Titles, largely thanks to Samoa Joe, who has it out for Reigns!

Elsewhere on tonight’s Raw, Matt Hardy has been WOKEN and he will again collide with Bray Wyatt, meanwhile Absolution will continue their wreaking of havoc, but will they again leave Asuka alone? All that and more on tonight’s show, so get ready and enjoy!

Monday Night Raw opens with a recap of Roman Reigns winning the Intercontinental Championship, being attacked by Samoa Joe, then last week when he battled Jason Jordan and again Joe attacked.

We go live to the arena and Samoa Joe is there. He says we’ve all heard of The Shield, the team that attacked everyone in their wake. Joe says he has seen The Shield up close and he isn’t impressed. He snapped Seth Rollins leg, he beat the cockroach Dean Ambrose, and he puts Roman to sleep over and over again. He isn’t impressed. Later tonight he faces Ambrose but right now he’s out to finish what he started, he wants Roman Reigns. And not the lap dogs, he wants Roman by himself.

We see Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose watching a monitor backstage and Rollins tells Ambrose to go get Roman. Back in the ring, Joe says that if it wasn’t for the “stupid bastard” Jason Jordan, he would have finished this last week. He says he has punked Roman out many times and he doesn’t care about The Shield, the matches Roman has been in, or anything else. So if Roman has any problems with that, he should come on down.

We see Roman backstage with Rollins and Ambrose, and he says he’s got this. Roman makes his way to the ring and Joe is ready for a fight. Roman slides into the ring and the two start brawling wildly! Roman gets the better of Joe but Cesaro and Sheamus appear, Roman knocks them from the apron but that allows Joe to apply the Coquina Clutch and take Roman out. Rollins and Ambrose come a-running and brawl all over ringside with Sheamus and Cesaro. Joe, Sheamus and Cesaro beat the entire Shield down in the ring. They stand tall over the bodies.

The commentators say it was all a ruse by Joe and that he doesn’t want Reigns one-on-one. We get a commercial for SmackDown Live and this Sunday’s Clash of Champions PPV.

*Commercial Break*

We return and get replays of what just went down with Samoa Joe, The Bar and The Shield.

Sasha Banks, Bayley and Mickie James make their way to the ring and we see clips of Sasha and Alexa Bliss making history this past week for being the first women to wrestle in Abu Dhabi. Absolution are out next and Paige says she had her first match in a year and beat the Boss. Mandy Rose then makes fun of Mickie James and Bayley, while Sonya Deville says that Absolution is a symphony of carnage and the music is about to start. Terrible promo from all three.

Bayley & Mickie James W/Sasha Banks Vs. Paige & Mandy Rose W/Sonya Deville

We start with Mandy Rose and Bayley. Rose quickly tags out to Paige. Bayley backs Paige up to the corner and Mickie James gets the tag. They attempt a double suplex, but Rose jumps in and breaks it up. Bayley takes out Rose jumping off the ring apron, while James jumps off the ring apron taking out Paige as we head to a break.

*Commercial Break*

Back live, Bayley throws an elbow to the back of Rose and follows it with an elbow drop. Rose throws a jumping knee to the face of Bayley for a two count. Rose with kicks to Bayley in the corner and tag to Paige. Paige with her knees to the chest of Bayley. Paige with a quick knee to the face of Bayley. Paige with a high running knee to Bayley in the corner. Bayley drops Paige face first off the ring apron.

Paige tags in Rose and Bayley gets the hot tag to James who drops Rose with repeated clotheslines. James with a spin kick and jumping elbow that drops Rose. James with a top rope takedown on Rose and Paige breaks it up. Bayley tackles and goes after Paige in the corner. Paige with a kick to the head of James with the referee distracted by Bayley. Rose pins James to pick up the pinfall.

Winners: Paige & Mandy Rose

After the match we get a rundown of the Clash of Champions PPV, then a nod to the main event tonight between Kane and Braun Strowman, with the winner facing Lesnar at Royal Rumble.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Bray Wyatt appears on the screen. “This is nothing new. It has always been darkness versus light. The morning versus the night. Good versus evil.” Matt Hardy shows up on screen and how the battlefield will continue in the land of “WWEEEEEE yaaaaaaaaas.” He adds his Woken Wisdom and Broken Brilliance will illuminate the masses. Wyatt calls him a liar. “His words mean nothing,” adds Wyatt. Hardy cuts in talking about Sister Abigail and how she now has a vessel known as Bray Wyatt. Wyatt tells everyone to choose their side wisely. “Only one of us can survive,” adds Wyatt. Hardy says the Woken Warriors are prepared and are ready to DELETE. We get laughing between Wyatt and Hardy that goes on a while too long.

We see highlights of last week, when Nia Jax flirted with Enzo. We go backstage and see Enzo talking to the Cruiserweight Championship. Drew Gulak walks in, wearing a suit, and he says that WWE has revoked Rich Swann’s opportunity, so tonight there will be a second-chance Fatal 4-Way to determine who will face Gulak next week on Raw in a number one contender’s match. Enzo accidentally name-drops Nia Jax while talking and Gulak starts elbowing him and saying he gets it. Gulak thinks that Enzo said her name to keep him on his toes and Enzo agrees.

Finn Balor makes his way to the ring to a huge pop in Cleveland. He will face Curtis Axel next!

*Commercial Break*

Axel and Dallas make their way to the ring. Before the match, Curtis Axel removes his neckbrace and starts attacking Finn Balor with help from Bo Dallas. Dallas leaves the ring and Axel continues the attack. The referee checks on Finn in the corner and he says he is fine to continue.

Finn Balor Vs. Curtis Axel W/ Bo Dallas

The bell rings and Axel charges in with rights and kicks. Axel with a snapmare into a blockbuster for a two count. Axel with a headlock keeping Balor grounded. Balor with a chop and sling blade takedown. Balor launches Axel into the corner with a big dropkick. Axel is grabbing his neck. Balor off the top connecting with Coup de Grace for the win.

Winner: Finn Balor

*Commercial Break*

Backstage, Kane talks about his match with Braun Strowman tonight. He says while they share a lot in common as monsters in WWE, he will be the one to walk out and compete with Brock Lesnar at the Royal Rumble.

Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus

Rollins with right hands and chops early to Sheamus. Rollins launches Sheamus over the top rope, hits the ropes and catches Sheamus with a suicide dive. Sheamus cuts off Rollins with an axe handle on his way back into the ring. The Celtic Warrior is in charge.

Sheamus stands on the mouth of Rollins and connects with a backbreaker over his knee for a one count. Rollins catches Sheamus with a kick to the back of the neck off the corner. Rollins with rights and chops. Rollins catches Sheamus with a sling blade off the ropes, goes up top and connects with a blockbuster off the corner! Rollins clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope. Rollins launches himself over, Sheamus moves, Rollins lands on his feet and Sheamus connects with a knee.

*Commercial Break*

Back live, Sheamus has Rollins down in a headlock. Sheamus with a modified Alabama One Leg Slam on Rollins from the corner as Rollins clutches his knee. Sheamus works over the knee of Rollins and locks in the Texas Cloverleaf. Rollins reverses into a small package for a two count. Rollins with a counter and plants Sheamus with a DDT.

Rollins catches Sheamus with a kick to the jaw and gets a close two count. Rollins cuts off Sheamus who is sitting up on the top turnbuckle. Rollins pulls Sheamus off the top rope connecting with a superplex, rolls through, picks up Sheamus and connects with the Falcon Arrow. Sheamus kicks out after two. Sheamus with a rolling senton on Rollins. Rollins avoids a Brogue Kick, hits a superkick and then connects with a jumping knee (Ala Kenny Omega) to Sheamus to pick up the pinfall.

Winner: Seth Rollins

Rollins celebrates after the fact. Great match between those two.

Backstage we see Dean Ambrose watching on the monitor, then he talks to his wife about what he needs to avoid against Samoa Joe tonight. He says he will overcome Joe, just like Rollins did with Sheamus.

*Commercial Break*

We return and Drew Gulak has joined the commentary table for this upcoming match. Cedric Alexander makes his way to the ring for the Fatal-4 Way.

Fatal 4-Way Match

Cedric Alexander Vs. Tony Nese Vs. Mustafa Ali Vs. Ariya Daivari

Alexander goes after Nese as soon as the bell rings, while Daivari goes after Ali. Ali dropkicks Daivari away. Alexander with a head scissors snap takedown. Ali with a series of pinfall attempts on Alexander. Ali with chops to Alexander. Alexander is dumped out by Nese. Ali comes off the top rope taking out Nese and Alexander.

Alexander with a shoulder shot to Daivari. Nese breaks up a pinfall attempt and launches Alexander face first into the second turnbuckle. Ali with chops to Nese. Nese levels Ali. Daivair takes out Nese by accident. Alexander with a back elbow to Daivari. Ali plants Alexander with a big DDT.

*Commercial Break*

Back live, Daivari has Ali down in a headlock. Daivari plants Ali with a spinebuster. Ali with a big facebuster on Daivari for a two count. Ali gets an elbow up on Nese and a knee to Daivari. Nese with a jumping right hand to Ali in the corner. Ali connects with his inverted 450 splash in the corner over Nese that gets broken up.

Ali with big elbows to Alexander. Alexander with a float through slam into a knee breaker. Alexander pulls Daivari out when he tosses Alexander out of the ring. Nese jumps over the top rope taking out Alexander and Daivari. Nese tosses Alexander back inside. Nese with his corner knee to Alexander, hooks the leg and Ali breaks it up. Nese is sent out by Ali. Alexander catches Ali with a clothesline.

Alexander catches Ali with a kick and knee to Nese. Alexander catches Ali with a running Spanish Fly, then grabs him and lands the Lumbar Check to pick-up the win.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

Alexander will now face Drew Gulak next week in a Number one Contendership match. The winner will face Enzo Amore for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

*Commercial Break*

Backstage, Drew Gulak talks with Enzo Amore and how they know it’s going to be Cedric Alexander next week. He predicts he’ll beat Alexander and then go on to become Cruiserweight Champion. Enzo cuts him off saying he works for him. He starts to rundown Gulak’s PowerPoint presentations when Nia Jax walks up smiling again. Nia likes Drew’s PowerPoint presentations. She wants to talk when he “isn’t busy.”

Cesaro is in the ring and out comes Roman Reigns, the Champion. We get ring introductions for both men.

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

(C) Roman Reigns Vs. Cesaro

The bell rings and Reigns throws an uppercut at Cesaro quickly. Reigns with kicks to Cesaro in the corner and Cesaro bails. Reigns follows and Cesaro cuts him off with stomps. Back inside, Cesaro throws uppercuts. Reigns with clotheslines. Reigns catches Cesaro with a big boot and then tosses him over the top rope as we head to a break.

*Commercial Break*

During the break, we see Cesaro launched the body of Reigns into the ring barricade. Back live, Cesaro is working over the right arm of Reigns inside the ring. Cesaro keeps Reigns grounded and works over the elbow of Reigns. Cesaro misses a splash in the corner and Reigns rolls him up for a two count. Cesaro with a modified armbar that again keeps Reigns grounded. Reigns with headbutts to Cesaro and regroups on the outside of the ring.

Cesaro is laying over the bottom rope and Reigns connects with his drive by dropkick for a two count. Cesaro blocks a Superman hitting Reigns’ bad arm and pulls him down into another armbar. Cesaro floats over into a Crossface. Reigns breaks free. Cesaro launches Reigns shoulder first into the steel ring post. Reigns with a boot when Cesaro charges in. Reigns with a Superman to Cesaro jumping off the steel steps. Reigns tosses Cesaro back inside the ring, hooks the leg and Cesaro gets a shoulder up.

Cesaro with a knee and catches Reigns with an uppercut for another close two count. Cesaro goes right back to the Crossface. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing. Reigns counters and one arm sitdown powerbombs Cesaro down for another close two count. Cesaro with a small package for a close two. Cesaro with uppercuts to Reigns in the corner. Reigns counters a Neutralizer attemp, then Reigns catches Cesaro with a spear.

Winner: Roman Reigns

Reigns sells the arm hard after the match, taking off his tape and holding the title.

Backstage, Strowman cuts a promo and says that he will defeat Kane to prove himself the real monster in WWE.

*Commercial Break*

Asuka makes her way to the ring for another match with Alicia Fox. Paige, Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville walk out. Paige wonders where Fox is. We see up on the screen that Fox is clutching her elbow and the referee says she can’t wrestle.

Paige walks down the ramp with Rose and Deville saying they “heard” about Asuka. She says no one can stop Absolution, not even Asuka. Paige suggests Asuka move out of the way or they make her move out of the way. Asuka smiles and shakes her head. They begin to surround the ring as Paige gets up on the ring apron. Paige thinks it is time Asuka gets an introduction from Absolution. Asuka fights off Deville quickly and gets Paige in an armbar when Rose breaks it up. Rose and Deville beat down Asuka. Paige grabs Asuka and yells this is her house when Sasha Banks, Bayley, Nia Jax, Mickie James, Alexa Bliss, Dana Brooke and Alicia Fox run down. They all go after Paige, Rose and Deville inside the ring. The entire RAW Women’s Division clears house with Jax clobbering Rose on the way out!

Backstage, Jason Jordan walks in Kurt Angle’s office and hugs Kurt. Jordan apologizes for making demands last week and that his emotions or “intensity” got the best of him. Angle reminds him of his responsibility as General Manager of RAW. He doesn’t think Jordan is ready to have a rematch with Samoa Joe. Jordan leaves saying, “Okay Kurt.”

Dean Ambrose heads to the ring. He faces Samoa Joe next.

*Commercial Break*

We return to see Ambrose waiting in the ring and out comes Joe.

Dean Ambrose Vs. Samoa Joe

The bell rings but before the action begins, we see Jason Jordan walk out on the ramp and sit down on a chair. Naturally, he gets booed.

Ambrose tries to take advantage of the distraction, but Joe ends of dropping Ambrose quickly. Joe with jabs to Ambrose and Ambrose kicks out the knee of Joe. Ambrose with a quick dragon screw on Joe and Joe bails out of the ring to regroup. Ambrose runs out and cuts off Joe at ringside. Ambrose sends Joe into the barricade. Back inside, Joe with an elbow and high kick to the face to Ambrose in the corner as we head to a break.

*Commercial Break*

Back live, Ambrose is throwing chops to Joe. Joe fires back with an elbow that drops Ambrose, goes for a running senton and Ambrose moves. Joe with more jabs to Ambrose. Ambrose with clotheslines to Joe. Joe lands a right elbow, but Ambrose fires back with his clothesline after holding on to the ropes. Joe with an overhead suplex to Ambrose and mocks Jordan doing a Kurt Angle taunt. Joe yells at Jordan to walk down the ramp. Jordan starts walking down. Ambrose with a knee and roll-up for a two count.

Joe has Ambrose up in a powerbomb, but Ambrose pulls himself over the top rope with Joe. Jordan tosses Ambrose inside the ring. Joe applies a rear naked choke to Jordan. Ambrose with a suicide dive taking out both Joe and Jordan through the ropes. Jordan is back up on the apron as Ambrose takes out Joe with a flying elbow. Ambrose had Joe beat, but the distraction by Jordan prevented it. Ambrose looks over at Jordan upset and leaves the ring. Ambrose gets in Jordan’s face. Joe with a suicide dive taking Jordan and Ambrose out. Joe with a senton splash over Joe and tosses Ambrose in. Joe applies the rear naked choke and that’s all she wrote.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Backstage, Dana Brooke is welcomed into Titus Worldwide by the man himself and Apollo Crews. Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows walk up and calls those who work at Titus Worldwide nerds. Braun Strowman walks towards them shouting loudly and they all quickly get out of the way.

*Commercial Break*

Back live, we see WWE’s crew reinforcing the ring for tonight’s main event.

A video package runs hyping Kane vs. Braun Strowman tonight, including a tale of the tape:

Braun makes his way to the ring to the delighted fans in Cleveland.

*Commercial Break*

We return and out comes Kane. Brock Lesnar will be back on Raw next week!

Number One Contendership match

Braun Strowman Vs. Kane

The bell rings and Braun Strowman goes after Kane in the corner right away. Strowman with a quick headbutt to Kane. Strowman throws body shots to Kane in the corner. Strowman splashes Kane in the corner and then follows it up with a dropkick. On the outside, Strowman drives Kane shoulder first into the steel ring steps. Back inside, Kane is trying to get Strowman to back off.

Strowman with rights and another headbutt to Kane. Kane connects with a chokeslam to Strowman. Strowman gets a shoulder up. Kane with a second chokeslam and Strowman again kicks out. Kane is frustrated. Strowman with a chokeslam to Kane. Kane kicks out. Kane rolls out and regroups against the barricade. Kane catches Strowman with a right hand when he comes out. They brawl into the crowd as Kane throws a quick boot to the face. Strowman with a charge and levels Kane breaking the ring barricade. The referee was counting the whole time and reaches 10!

No Contest

Both men have been counted out and the fans aren’t happy. I don’t think anybody wants to see this feud continue.

Strowman and Kane continue to brawl at ringside. Strowman with an axe handle to the back of Kane and tosses him over the steel steps. Strowman grabs the top part of the steel steps. Kane has steel steps as well in hand. They stop and stare at each other. Strowman and Kane both collide with the steel steps. It looks like Strowman got the better of Kane with that exchange. Strowman goes under the ring and pulls out a board with wheels trying to drop Kane’s throat over it. Kane avoids it and they continue fighting.

The crowd calls for tables. Strowman pulls out a table and puts it inside the ring. Kane grabs a steel chair and catches Strowman in the leg with it. Kane gets inside and starts swinging away at Strowman with the chair. Kane grabs the table and sets it up. Kane and Strowman hit each other with a double clothesline. Both men are down. Kane is the first to sit up. Strowman sits up and looks at Kane. Kane backs up to the corner. Strowman charges. Kane grabs Strowman by the throat. Strowman has Kane up and powerslams him through the table!

The show ends with Corey Graves saying we still have an unresolved situation with the WWE Universal Championship and the Royal Rumble PPV. That’s it for this week’s Raw! Let us know what you thought and come back tomorrow night for our SmackDown Live recap. Until then, safe travels.

Curtis Dillion

Curtis does our weekly live match-by-match coverage of WWE RAW and SmackDown for Ringside News. In addition to SmackDown, Curtis also does WWE & NXT special event coverage as well. He has been helping out at for Ringside News for many years.

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